justin @ 

HotWired Index
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 00:08:36 -0800This is like that Harper's bit, except tailored for the HotWired insider perspective.
To: <recipient list supressed>
From: justin@hotwired.com (Justin Hall)
Subject: The HotWired index 12/8
The HotWired Index - 12/8
number of times I have to swipe my card before the door unlocks to Wired: 6amount of time it takes for all of lunch to be distributed and consumed: 18 minutes
number of HotWired emeriti: three
number of HotWired emeriti listed on the masthead: two
number of hours it took for Howard to be removed from the masthead: under four
number of days it took for John Alderman to make it on the masthead: at least 2
number of empty desks: 2
number of empty water jugs piled up against the back wall: 19
number of weeks the large pile of cardboard boxes has been accumlating next to my desk: 13
number of titles Jonathan Steuer has held since July: 3
number of weeks after launch NetSurf was titled "Netsurf: for the week of October 31": 3
number of the thread "howard" posted about his resignation: msg.1677
number of threads posted by "howard" up until that point: 71
number of threads posted by "chip": 48
number of threads posted by "aa": 26
number of threads posted by "brain": 13
number of threads posted by "louis": 7
number of threads posted by "jonathan": 5
number of the latest HotFlash to be posted successfully on AOL: 1.26
number of nifty items jillo has on her desk: 10
number of beverage recepticles: 4
number of juggling balls on caleb's desk: 10
number of different editions of wired wire immediately apparent on imf's desk: 4
justin's links by justin hall: contact