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after months of plugging, I scored work at Wired magazine, in the online division, from June to August 1994
in the wired offices summer 94 - photo by Ed Rigaudi started in june 94. i took notes at a brainstorm session at howard's house on august 8. september 9, i was caught cranking in the office. i collected preditions about hotwired before we launched in late october. i put together a post-launch halloween hoedown.
in december, i published the hotwired index and i showed up in clubwired. i had a little disagreement with louis over internal corporate image. in december/january i wrote for the wired wire. i returned to college in mid-january. in 1996, i went to the 3rd anniversary party.
Back at college in 98 I composed a Wyrd of Wired - an epic poem of the story of Hot/Wired based on Beowulf.
my desk at HotWired, 520 Third Street
i built me a lil' bit o' wired news.
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