he's very much interested in opportunity for the underpriviledgedmy computer hasn't been on in nearly twenty four hoursa lot of shit happened today
I arrive home to a room without voice maildark, no machine presence
but the glowing light of a power stripto come celestial seasonings tea in my phallic eddie bauer thermos
at swarthmore I tend to unwind at nightbefore class or not
having a home
I'm prone
longer entries
sleep at 4am wake at 7.40 slept for ten minutes during an evening lecture
sitting down to write at 1.20am
I'm tasting marrow
and the drama -
clearing my chest colded throat scolded
I'm almost horse
can't stop speakin'
be the death of me.
for breakfast I drank rare coffeeweb class
I tempted to trun the reigns over
that the students might not feel peer subjugatedand the inspired offered to lead only one steps to the challenge
balthazar his marxist information interpretation actually, praxis
infollegenceaccording to my invitation he outlines a class unit of study; his theory they don't have to tell me
(though they do)
folks tune out soon's he starts talkin'cuz it don't sound like anythin' two-way I said I'd help him work out something interactive
caffeine really is a euphoriantor else it was the coming storm barometric pressure fucks with us all
between the joy of quantum physicsand actually coming close to exclaiming my love for the school in the midst of the social history of consumption I've had a vision for the web at schoolsI feel elated to be here
students so passionate
they analyse til they foam at the mouth
spittle flyin'
meaning to reach someone in power
finally today, the president of the college
al bloom
I scheduled this appointment in early february
it gave me time to refine my visionbefore we got to the meat
I announced my intention to profile jerome kohlberg, a leading donorin the paper
that really put the prez on his toes-tippin'
the line between response and propoganda
and tennis. you'd better put that.
I started to feel like a tool,
so I turned around and offered him the handle
I'm gonna write my piece either way
it was fun to watch him try to use me.he alloted me an entire hour,
we arrived gracefully at my agenda
broad, future scape
but in the now:Swarthmore has the opportunity to lead I couched my words in Al's public relations framework
(I've heard him speak of increasing swarthmore brand recognition, reminds me of louis) how better to augment visibility
than to have swarthmore scholarship show up in every lycos search?publish student papers on the web!
extend the satisfaction of sharing
you've got a regular content factory going here!as I'm saying this
I realize again subversionmotivated, folks could get much of our juice without the $30k geographic proximity. actually what bothers al most
is quality
maybe only those papers we approve
review by committee for posting on the webat first I felt this in my chest.
isn't swarthmore, writing, life enough of a filter?
if someone puts effort into something,
and is willing to share it world wide
who are you to say no?beauty of the web,
you make it available and let filters and search engines do their magicbesides,
students got web pages
ain't no committee filterin' nothin'but yeah,
filters, right
start somewhere
honours theses.he's so excited
he caught some
edge of the chairism
going to talk about itto the senior staff tomorrow. then getting semi-specific
redesign of the college's web pageto integrate community
I've got these friends in san francisco......they could make some scripts
(I think the whole thing should work much like the forestestablish an ever expanding database of swarthmore articles and papers filter or load randomly as you please instant dynamism leaving, high
to be accorded respect
he's seen nothing but good things from me
agrees I should be involved in future college web weavingsyeah, so I'm high
now that I've shared my dream,I have to let go
by the time it's viable institutional,
it ain't goin' be utopia.[editing my day now, this is long
I'm leaving out a conversation with april,sherri johnson, michael gelman
suffice to say I spent the afternoon in the computer center
further expounding institutional student publishing and archiving]researching Jerome Kohlberg in the libraryif I expected to find satan I found a financial saint,
I asked bold Ben,
can you deal with capital on that kind of a scale and be a moral person?"No!" but I'm intrigued,
eager to explore his characterethics scale of his power
he's almost a herobut that's a tough business It's rainin' so hard,
in all deerecshuns.
I dash across campuswith a half open packback
a half inch of photocopies torrented away
camera bag open in the mudchasin' around still ain't mastered them elements
lecture by lani guinierI thought I finished
wearing stark red
so agressive
a teacher
engaging pedagogywith crumb
a tripI like movies that take me somewhere
this one took me to the asshole of the worldturns out a fey creature was in the house
caught me for hand holding
strange quiet furtive sex between our browsnot touching
but after that movie?anyways,
brief hallway pause in full view
she kisses me on the forehead
and leaves before consumption
I hate the inevitable
I'm really going to try on this oneshe had a nice angle
I could see from five inch distant profile
the faery powdered nose of the worldcurve to be paved by progress
a good place to end
but I stopped overlong to wish hello
to hot beckythe most luscious
doing dishes at the student cafe
in an astounding red numberI'd show it to you, but my camera still uses film. she heard about florida
I wanted to hear about spain
jerry joined us
unabashed mooch
the world provides for the dirty rambunctous
how could you not love him?he opened the fridge and made for himself a meatwich
(most times I get mine by payin'as it should be)
refused to pose with becky for a photo
urged me to check my jerry page for innuendohis grandparents have seen it.
that only took me a half an hour to write!: 1.573.20, still editing, layout to be done I'm goin' to bed.
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>